Friday, August 12, 2011

Pure Water - Alkaline Water

!9# Pure Water - Alkaline Water

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Ever dreamed of trekking in the mountains, with their hands in the lens
blue glacial water that gushes from the rocks? From sparkling clean drinking water to cool so refreshing and invigorating, with the sweetness of minerals and the lightness of fairies? Now the water ionizers promise us the same experience at home or at work.

From time immemorial, man has suffered from acid. Its effects are digestive problems, ulcers, low energy, fatigue,Predisposition to obesity and even cold. (Language of the acid or acid humor, however, can only be connected by a long shot!)

The cause is the imbalance in the acid-alkaline-acid levels in body fluids. The cure is to drink alkaline water to restore the balance.

The human body possesses a mechanism of self-regulation of certain proteins, minerals, and kidney and lung function. Even on the breath, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide alkaline acid.

Forgiveour excesses

But our eating habits are not exactly tuned to maintain balance in our system. French fries, soft drinks, alcohol, coffee, refined sugar or flour with high protein meat / dairy products that we create all the fun of acid residues that can not handle the body's cells.

Exercises of stress, worry, stress, illness and extremely demanding physically added to the secretion of acids disrupt the balance. When the acidity of the body increases abnormally, the bodyattack is a playground for bacteria, cells and toxins to leave behind. An overload of toxins in the body is weakened once again the resistance to diseases and accelerate the aging process.

The pH indicators

Science has invented a scale to measure the acid-alkaline balance in the human body. And 'known as the "pH" is known. It has nothing to do with photography. It 'comes from the French
"Pouvoir hydrogen", an indicator of hydrogen ions. It employs a number of 1 to 14 In case 1, thehigher acid content, 7 is a state of equilibrium (neutral) and 14 is the maximum alkaline.

Our whole body structure seems to float in water when you consider that over seventy percent of it is water. You must drink at least 3-4 liters of alkaline water a day to replenish losses and to ensure that all acid is neutralized and that there is enough water for the transport of nutrients and minerals to the cells.

All of this is the need to use the alkaline water drinkingWater for our daily needs. Doctors recommend alkaline pH range from 9 to 10 in the water we drink.

What happens in a water ionizer?

The first part of the process eliminates much of the organic and inorganic contaminants. This is done using silver impregnated carbon to make sure that filtration removes many harmful compounds as possible, so that a water filter is ready for ionization.

The ionizer ionizes water then the water in athat contains a series of electrodes that are negatively charged, that the positive ions in your water. The water is loaded with negative ions, then turns into alkaline water, which is far-reaching health benefits. Alkaline ionized water is very useful and healthy for us because it is the pH of our body gradually move towards the optimum pH, which is slightly alkaline assists. Among many other benefits, increased alkalinity of the water supports the bodyThe toxins that accumulate in our bodies.
Four courses of water use
There are well-known brands like Aquasana water filters, kitchen and floor models of the entire house are in addition to a shower filter model. If you wish, you can go for alkaline water machines that break the tap water in four streams.

1 A drink alkaline water-based

O This leads to an antioxidant effect and eliminates the toxins that cause the disease (freeRadicals)

Look of doors with conditions like acidosis

Helps to balance a diet acid

2 A water lasts

· Great for hair care and skin

3 Strong Acidic water

· Water potent antimicrobial

4 A water highly alkaline

· Great for cleaning and removing organic matter from surfaces

Ode to alkaline water

Man charged with restoring water machines and water for health and the gift to the people again. Your Health Todaydepends on them. If John Keats were alive today, he would forget his own wine and song, an ode to the Nightingale, "Oh, for a project to drink from a crystal cup full of winking alkaline water, with bubbles on the bead board. .. "

Pure Water - Alkaline Water

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